Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Off I go. (TS January 29th, 2pm
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In the late afternoon, Cora can be seen stepping out of the treeline with  pack on her back and elizabeak in her arms. She is dressed in her attire from last night- colorful tribal garb in rustic autumn tones with a coat layered over top.
She stops at the edge of the treeline and quietly looks at the town before looking back at the treeline.
-Java comes out of the woods and heads towards Cora- "Heading back to Jericho I take it little one?~"
"Ya know, much as I know ya'll gots a care for us and yer Papi, a goodbye hug ain't a trouble eh?"

Stepping out from the treeline with a simple dark bottle and a smile, Capri makes himself know as he breaks the treeline and stands tall before Cora. He crosses his arms as he looks down to Cora with a quirked brow.

"Ain't gonna scamper off without a proper saying of goodbyes ya know?"
She turns to her brothers and gives a little smile. She puts down her pack and places elizabeak on top. "Was waiting for you both to catch up."
She takes java's and capri's hands. "Will miss you, brothers."
"And we up and gonna miss you lil' sis. Ya always know ya got a home wit' us brothas. Don't go being no stranger 'round here ya hear?"

Capri clenches the held hand and places the bottle he held in the other into her pack before moving said hand to pat her head gently.

"You be safe over there and be sure ta help ya Papi keep strong and healthy."
"Next time Capri goes to visit Jericho...you can bet dat I be wit him this time~...stay safe until we meet again ok Cora?~" he uses his free hand to rub her head gently
She smiles when her head is rubbed, then looks up at Java.
"really, Java?" Her smiles lights up a bit and she hugs them both (+2 strength). "Am excited then. Will make sure first visit is good visit, big brother!"
he smiles and laughs as her strength pulls him into the group hug "Yes Cora I promise~ Even if Capri gets busy I will try and make it out anyway~"
She nods and let's go of the orcs. "Will be waiting with patience." She carefully tucks the dark bottle into her bag and scoops up elizabeak before strapping the pack on.

"Well....Am going now."
-Java pats her on the shoulder- "You take care of yaself Cora and we will look after each otha here~...keep ya head held high and walk with confidence in each step. You are a brewlord...neva forget what dat means~" he smiles
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