Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: We return once again [Jan 23rd, 2017, 4:30PM]
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-The portal of Ralinwood springs to life, Wizwik along with a couple other people (they can join the thread if they want) walk out of the portal back into ralinwood-

-Wizwik takes a big sniff in- "Ahh~~...glad to be home~" -Wizwik takes a bit of the dirt from the ground and rubs his hands purposely making his hands dirty-
Cora steps out of the portal with a big pack on her back and Elizabeak in her arms. She looks around.
-Wizwik looks back to the portal- "Hmm...Capri must have got caught up coming back...he does have a lot on him...I'm going to head back to my tent. If you need anything Cora its the same place as last time~." -Wizwik heads off to his tent and unpacks-