*gnar can be seen swinging his axe at farily large trees and one after another when he cuts one down he drags them towards his tent then gose back to cutting the trees taking breaks every so often*
Aeval walks up, looking slightly annoyed.
"Why are you cutting down trees."
*gnar stops and looks at aeval puzzled and then instantly rembers*
Oh im so sorry i was just practicing my swing and making sure i still had the power and though id put it to use by cutting firewood but i forgot
Aeval looks at the tree stump with a frown.
"It is alright, just...with the recent demon attack they burned most of the forest down. I can help you chop up anything that you have cut down already for firewood. I suppose it could be more...strength training? If you'd like I can also be your training buddy, so ya know...the trees can take a break."
She chuckles.
*gnar stops and smiles and laughs*
that sounds fair i guess i shouldn't have cut down all those trees but i do need help and i still have to 10 full trees to get into smaller pieces so yeah that would be nice
She nods.
"We can bring some firewood into town after."
She laughs.
"Don't worry I'll help you out."
Well thank you thats very kind of you
*gnar starts to walk to the pile of wood he has already cut down and turns to aeval*
so i heard about you bringing the dark god follwers together how is that
Aeval follows, casting some bear strengths on herself.
"I invoke nature to grant strength of the bear." She repeats three other times.
Looking to Gnar, she smiles.
"I want to talk to everyone, the Light and Draconic presence is so strong here that I was the Dark Followers to know that we too have a right to openly worship. Most people automatically look at the dark as a bad thing, when really it isn't. For instance, take my Lady Alakasha. While she is the goddess of Vengeance, it is up to her followers to decide what they deem worthy of their vengeance. It may be death at times, or it may be something much more simplistic."
She pauses, hoping he is following along.
"There are others such as Daelrion, even Sverin for fucks sake that offer different alternatives to just having to murder people. The light have never been perfect, yet they decide to brand us Dark Followers as villains."
She sighs.
"While we may not be united in our goals, it is good to know that there are others. Should you choose to worship Alakasha, I will offer you protection."
Aeval shows Gnar a flowing metal Raze mask.
"Should you personally choose to follow her I would be more than happy to teach you her tenants."
*gnar smiles and actually looks like hes listening closley*
Well alakasha seems like a great idea and i have been fairly confised latley and to the factof people think the dark gods are bad i think they just misunderstand and need information or at the least let us do that we would dobut honeslty i am actually wanting to learn from you and be taught about her would you be able to teach me
*gnar smiles and looks at aeval with a serious but happy face*
Aeval grins.
"I am happy you agree. I am holding a sermon this Saturday to speak of the Dark Gods, I'd love for you to join. It will be a good thing to show that we can come together and learn from one another."
She puts a hand on her Raze mask.
"As for her tenants, we can discuss them back in Svenheim. Right now we have much work to do with these trees."