Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: A Caravan Approaches
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Rumours from trappers trickle into town as they return. In the tavern, it's all people can talk about, and though they talk quietly, the murmurs are excited. A large caravan has been spotted, moving carefully, slowly through the heavily wooded area southwest of town proper and docks.  Not many people have come that way, the rumours say. It's a hard road, wild, uninhabited, dangerous. But, the caravans are brightly coloured, covered in bells, lamps, window boxes, and empty birdcages; large banners hang on the side of several of the caravans, bearing a sun with many and various arms, some ornate, some simple, all bright yellow and orange on a light blue background. They make no attempts to hide from the scouts, who report seeing many fires made up every evening. They appear unconcerned with the dangerous road they travel. 

The rumours say they will be here in a week's time at most.