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Full Version: Hell is empty (January 9, noon)
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Lilith strides into view of the centre of town from the north. She walks at a leisurely pace, with an air of poised self-assurance that seems to float her along the ground, rather than tread it. She sports her usual attire of blacks and purples, copious jewellery, a blood red cloak, and a wide-brimmed black hat. Her walking staff, purse, and hip-side iron dagger are absent, or at least appear so when her cloak is brushed aside by wind. To her left is Magnar and to her right is Sevatar. Carrion follows closely behind. They walk towards the tavern.
*gnar is sitting in the far back of the room drinking from a small flask in hand and looking around the room he then spots the group coming in and grin and countines to drink*

Back again I see
*Tel sits at the bar, sipping a glass of dark liquid.  Upon spying Sevatar approach, he raises his drink, and smiles to his friend*
Sevatar is in his full set of armor, a navy cloak awkwardly thrown over the set of pauldrons. He has his staff held in one hand and his dragon mark shines through the helmet. He waves to Tel with his free hand, and gives a small nod to Gnar. His gaze turns afterwards outside of the tavern, scanning the horizon.
Gnar smiles and raises his flask and then drinks from it *

You us and gals seem busy
-Wizwik is enjoying a warm simple lunch with a warm drink to wash it down. He looks to the group and gives a wave to them-
Lilith takes a seat by the bar and crosses her legs primly. "My usual, please," she calls. She smiles at Gnar, Tel and Wizwik, in turn. "Good - is it afternoon? Good afternoon Gnar, good afternoon Tel. It's a pleasure to see you again. And to be back," she says to Gnar.
*gnar sits up and looks at Lilith and smiles *

How was your time away did you do anything

*he takes a drink and scratchs his face*
Oh and it is noon still early in the day
Tel turns in his seat, and smiles to Lilith: "Good afternoon, Miss Caia." Over his shoulder, he calls to Sevatar, "Buy you a drink, my friend?"
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