* Stopping by the notice board I give it a once over. Seeing something I obviously read it over and then turn away. I head towards the main feild by Taverns caning the area looking for something I come to a stop near the Tavern and lean against one of the posts as I wait and look*
Svala pokes at the fire, trying to keep it lit. She looks up from the logs and spots Dehclan. She abandons all attempts to keep the fire going and jogs over to him.
"Dehclan! Wow, is it good to see you. It's been over a year, huh? How have you been?" Her voice is pleasant and she smiles up at him.
*Looking over to the sound of the person apporoching, I push off the post I was leaning against. Seeing her smile I return it warmly. *
I have been well Svala, I trust you have been as well??
"Oh, you know, keeping out of trouble and studying hard, as usual. I hear you're the acting Jarl around here? At first I was told it was Callum, and then he told me it was you. It was all very confusing. Feels a little disorganized if you ask me. I also heard something from Callum that I'd like to get more details on, but again, no one seems to know the whole story, or they just won't tell me. I figured it would be best to ask you-- What the hell's happened to my nephew?" Her tone stays friendly, but her smile becomes forced.
Aye, Baruk asked that of me before heading North. You know how things are, confusing till they settle. * I shrug softly*.
As for your nephew Iam not sure Iam following you. Who was he?* My face clearly showing genuine confusion at the moment*
"Byford? Cleric of Justice? I've been hearing that he's no longer considered Einish around here?"
* Shock spreads across my face* Really...wow I was not aware of that. Iam a bit hazy on all the details regarding that, but from what I was told he broke Einish laws by resurrecting someone, somehow. I believe Callum was Jarl at the time.
She sighs. "Callum didn't give me any proper details either. Back in Jericho we, for lack of a better term, disowned someone as well, but we all agreed on it and we all knew why. I haven't seen my nephew since he tried to charge the Mortegeist on Melinda, and he didn't say anything about there being any trouble at the time. Does anyone actually know what happened?"
Unfortunately this all transpired a moon or two before I arrived here. I personally haven't seen him myself since we were both take to Valhalla in celebration of our God's choices to give us their favor.
Iam sorry I can not be more helpful Svala
"It's all right. Sorry for being short with you. I just want to know what happened to him. I looked up to him, even though I'm his aunt. I got this because of him." She pokes the Tiwaz tattoo on her face. "And now I find out he's not considered Einish and I can't imagine why. I need to head home soon. If you happen to find out what actually happened, could you try and get that to me? In a letter or something?"