Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Looking For Sevatar (TS 4/12/16, 8PM))
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An Einher in a long black and green coat walks up to the Dragon Cabin, takes a deep breath, and knocks on the door. She takes a few steps back and waits.
*Blank totters up beside Svala and yawns*
Svala slowly turns her head towards Blank.

"Oh. Um. Hello Blank. Nice to see you again." She says, then looks back at the door.
*He waves at her and looks at the door*
Sevatar opens the door and looks out to see Svala and Blank. He tilts his head slowly at Svala for a moment before looking over to Blank next. He is dragonmarked and armoured, as usual. "Good evening, Blank. I feel like I might've seen you before, new-ish face, but not for a long time. How can I help you?"
"Hello Sevatar. This is Svala. She is an Einher."
Svala grins when the door opens. "Yes! Hello again! You look a little different. In a good way. I'm Svala, I believe we've met before, really briefly. I was actually wondering if I could talk to you about--" She pauses, then looks over at Blank. "Um. About something. Privately, maybe?"
Sevatar nods and gestures inside. "Hello Svala. Come on in. I'm sure Blank can wait, if he had something. He may just be being friendly." He steps back into the cabin, holding the door to allow entry. ( PM or email? Whatever you prefer. Facebook works too if that's your thing. )
*Blank just stands there*
"He does that a lot, doesn't he?" She looks back at Blank before stepping into the cabin.

((FB Is good.))