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Full Version: Firelight Reading (TS Eve Wednesday Nov 11)
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-Lamalas can be found at the firepit, with a small pile of books beside him. In his hands he has two books, one with words and the other is blank. He is copying the words from one to the other-
-Wizwik comes walking over- "Hey Lamalas~...working on something?"
-He looks up from the pages and smiles- Hello my friend, yes I was just trying to copy these books for the others in the camp to read. Never know when the knowledge locked within might come in handy
"That's fair...for those who can read anyway~" he chuckles "What's the subject?"
Well I have no problem reading to some people if they want to learn more. This particular book is about secret religions, quite fascinating to read about what other people think.
"Really?...well if you want to read it over to me I'd be happy to listen~" he smiles and sits next to him
Sure -He begins to read from the pages as he copies the words to the new book. The book tells of different religious cults, most sounding absurd like the cult that believes the Sun is on fire and is going to burn the world if they do not sacrifice people to it-
-Wizwik sits and listens- "...well they arnt wrong about the sun being on fire...I mean it makes so much heat it makes sense...but it being something that needs sacrifice doesnt make sense....Capri always explained it was the Light Bringer that gives life to much of the lands"
Well as I said before, these are crazy religions that someone figured to write down. It's good to know them in case someone shows up spouting off about them.
"...anything in there about Elemental stuff? having any clue on the Elemental Cultists true goal would be nice"
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