*An unfamiliar faun can be seen wandering the border of Ralinwood's forest. If you watch her, you see that she spends a great deal of her time chasing the wildlife, collecting pine cones, and eating. Every so often she yells out "HEWIEEE!"*
-Lamalas hears the strange cry and looks towards the again- Hail? Are you alright miss?
*The faun looks up, blinking at the wild elf*
"Hi! I'm looking for my friend, Hewie."
*She leans over and places her hand against her upper calf*
"He's about this tall."
I am sorry, I have never met anyone by that name. What does he look like? That height I would guess he is a gnome? I am Lamalas Tinehtelë, Aspiring Cleric of Valdr, at your service.
"Well, he's kind of grey... kind of black..."
*She makes her eyes big and circles them with her finger*
"Very black around his eyes."
*She puffs out her body and fills her cheeks with air*
"And he's very fluffy."
*a squirrel runs out of the forest and up to the faun. She starts to run around the fauns trying to play. Every so often you can her a little squeak come out as no one is paying any attention to her. When she realizes she is being ignored she begins to run around the elves feet hoping to gain some attention.*
*The faun shrieks with delight and begins chasing the squirrel*
*gets really excited and keeps running around the feet of the elf*
"Look how cute she is!"
*The faun squeals, clapping her hands*
"I'm gonna name her... Stella."
*"I invoke nature to inflict Charm Animal."*
*She stops just as she heard the name Stella. She runs up and hugs the faun.*