Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Waddling Mound (TS October 24, 9:20 am)
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*A mound of dark brown and green colored fabric can be seen waddling through town. It sits on a bench and goes still, very clearly bearing Blank's signature brass colored mask*
-Lamalas is sitting on a bench reading a book when the mass appears. He eyes it slowly, noting Blanks mask, and chuckles- Are you cold, friend?
*There is a long pause before a tiny voice exits the mound*

-He nods towards the mounds of fabric- You look like a pile of wash that needs to be folded -Said with a smile-
"Went to ssssleep in woodsss. Became ground. Woke up after Hallowsss"
Well be thankful for that, you missed a lot of dangers.