Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Packing up. (October 14th, just before dark)
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Jasper is loading up her pack with small roots, a bit of green grass and few apples, one of which she has in her mouth like a suckling pig.  

White fuzz is growing on her arms but gone is the mark of the plague and also missing is her necklace. A sword is donned on her hip and she is also packing up a surprising amount of plate for a faun. 

"I think that's it." She says softly, looking around for a moment.
Riven walks over and plops himself down on the grass "Heading out?"
She lifts her head and smiles. "Yep. Time to go home and get ready for the winter sleep. Now that the plague is gone and I've got that cold out of my system, I feel well enough to travel." she looks to the sky. "Hopefully there's a cloud bank tonight so I can get back in the cover of darkness." She pulls out her brown cloak and swings it on over her antlers.
He frowns "Makes sense. Still... sucks to see you go." He pushes himself up and walks toward her. Offering out his hand, he smiles "Come back when you can, 'kay?"
She nods. "I'll be alright. Maybe next spring I'll be able to come back for a visit." She looks down at his hand and beams wide, but it is bittersweet, clasping his palm in her own. "I wish I could stay but there is something pulling me back to my grotto. If I ignore it I may find myself going mad. Until next spring then, my friend. You know where to find me if there's an emergency."
He nods, smiling "Well, have a safe journey. I'll see you in the spring" After shaking her hand and bidding farewell, he heads toward his camp.
Jasper turns, dons her pack, and heads towards the skein. Unless stopped, she is through and gone with a flash of light.