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Full Version: Plotting the Land (Monday, Sept 26, early morn)
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-Lamalas can be seen in the empty bit of land in front of the Guiding Lights Cabin and his Grove. He seems to be taking steps in one direction then the other, walking in a square shape and writing notes in a little book. He then starts to clear away debris, making the patch of land clear-
Ursel pauses on the road, watching a moment before she approaches. "Are you feeling alright, brother? You seem to be wandering back and forth a lot."
-He looks up from his book and nods- Sizing the land, that is all
"Any particular reason? Or are you just trying to figure out how far some spell will reach?"
I'm plotting the space for the Church that is being built. I want to make sure there is enough space.
"A church? Oh, Sevatar is going to love that. So is it going to be for all forms of worship or is it specific to a particular god?"
-He snorts as he tosses a rock away- I care little for what....-He takes a breath- It is a Church of Light, so far myself, Dehclan and Wizwik are going to be building it but any Light followers are going to be allowed to visit.
Struggling at a snail's pace of a walk by the cabins with a large barrel upon his back, Turrent spots the pair, looks to the land around them, and with a chortle greets them with a strain to his voice.

"Ay ya lot, lookin' like ya gots yer self a bit o' site goings-on there fella. Recognize tha' there pattern o' the walking. You buildin' sumthin' big like?"

His soot-washed face quirks a brow with a comical smile.
Turrent, my friend, a pleasure to see you. Need a hand with that load? Seems heavy. As for the land, yes, looking to start building the Church soon
Huffing a breath before gently lowering the barrel to the ground, Turrent wipes at his brow with a cloth he fishes out of his pocket managing to just spread more soot across his face. His voice perks up without the strain of the barrel upon him.

"Ain't a worry there Mate, it'll lighten up once I gets it purified an' runnin'. Ta real bounty 'ere be tha' ya gonna build yer self a Church. If ya gots a need fer a spot o' land in particular let ol' Turrent know. I can clear 'er roight up lickity split like."
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