Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: *The return home* (TS Aug 9, 7:30pm)
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*You start seeing Duvainian land some time on Tuesday morning. The ship arrives at a dock on the Westernmost edge of Duvain in the early evening, as dusk settles. The docks are bustling and overcrowded with all those arriving back from Melinda. As the Captain docks the ship and the sailors do their last cleaning chores, a group of soldiers gets on the boat. Their Lieutenant talks with the captain briefly; she nods. The Lieutenant waves his arms, and more soldiers board the ship, while the Lieutenant makes an announcement:

"All travelers from Ralinwood are to gather their belongings and depart from the ship - the soldiers are here to guide you to the Skein gate that will take you home the rest of the way."

Weary but watchful soldiers take the travelers in groups of 5-10 as they disembark, supervising each group carefully. No one is treated roughly or ordered around. It is not expressly said that everyone is being herded back to the penal colony, but there is certainly that feel to it. 

The groups walk for about half an hour, the crowds thinning as they walk until finally, no one is left but the travelers and their guards. The docks end, giving way to a wide dirt road. Gravel was once scattered on the road, but has not been recently. Shallow wheel ruts mark the edges. The road is used, but not busy. After half an hour's march, the travelers are led off the road and into a large copse of trees. Inside the trees is a large clearing, dominated by a very large Skein gate. The gate is attended by 10 people in large hooded robes; their hoods down and faces visible.*

"The cost of Skein travel has been payed for you all by the White Raven alliance. We are to send you home." one croaks.

*Without further ado, the Skein gate opens and each group of travelers is escorted through, a few at a time. Groups are taken through every five minutes, to allow those arriving on the other end time to disperse. The trip is quick, and the last travelers step through the gate less than half an hour after the first group walked through. The soldiers all mill about, waiting to make sure their charges are accounted for. As the last group goes through the guards are preparing to leave.

Upon arriving in Ralinwood, the travelers are told by the members of the Skein to move away from the gate to make space for the next group. Once the last group goes through, the members of the Skein go back into the portal. The gate closes without ceremony.*
-Wizwik with all his things on his back looks around, takes a large sniff through his nose and exhales with a big smile- "Really good to be home~"
Rajani comes through, dragging her luggage behind her. The trunk will not quite close despite the rope tying it together and a quite a bit of fabric sticks out the crack. She has a grumpy look on her dark, feline face, and as soon as she gets her footing she heads for her caravan and slammed the door behind her. The sound of her loom clattering away starts shortly afterwards.