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Full Version: Returning from the Call to Arms (TS July 14, noon)
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*Aminata walks back to the pavillion next to the tavern. She sits down at a chair, places her bag on the ground, and furrows her brow in thought for a moment. She suddenly pulls out her notebook from her bag, but rests it in her lap without opening it.*

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem walks by, dressed in his usual pants, simple tunic but void of most of his armour. He appears to be lugging several logs about 6 inches in diameter that are sharpened at either end. He stops when he sees Aminata and sets down his lumber, "Afternoon, m'lady. How are you?" he greets her.
*Looks up from her thoughts, and smiles at Kyrem*

"Well. Looks like we're finally getting our things together and shipping out soon. It's almost time to got the fight. I should go to the docks and see about our boats... I'm sure the Lieutenant attended to those already, but I'd like to see."

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem nods, placing his left hand on his right shoulder and rolling it around in the socket, "I'm sure everything will be taken care of. Just take care when you lot ship out that you all come back in one piece." Kyrem puts his boot on one of his dropped logs and rolls it back and forth under his foot.
*Smile drops a little*

"You're not coming with us?"

MM/NPL Dustin

"I'm afraid not. Someone able-bodied has to stay behind and keep Ralinwood safe from the cultists, bandits, murkers, orcs, ogres, trolls, goblins, wargs, rabid infectious animals, gnolls, elementals, werecreatures, mist marauders, vampires... I seem to have a lot on my plate." Kyrem looks down at his pile of lumber, "I'm going to need a lot more logs..."
*Smiles again*

"Well I'm glad someone will be here then. You're right, as it needs to be. My lord and his retinue will be here as well...."


"For what that's worth..."

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem kneels, "You alright, Aminata?" he asks, concerned.
*Sighs, shakes her head, but looks tired*

"There's a lot of things to worry about coming up. War is never a fun thing, and we've been called to help, so we must go... But there are so many more things attacking us there than we've had here. And you've heard the stories about the battle the Gods fought, I'm sure. The brood alone are overwhelming... Never mind..."

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem extends a hand and pats her reassuringly on the shoulder, "Things will be alright, Aminata." he says with a smile.
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