Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Shake, Rattle, and Rolling in...( 07/13 - 9:20pm )
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Approaching through the woods and off a beaten path, a collection of rattling and clinking can be heard as a thin and wiry fellow makes his way into town center looking about and seemingly taking measurements of things around him.
For any nearby a strange smell of black powder and honey floats about the fellow and upon his back seems to be a large bottle.
He mumbles as he moves about.

"Strange place dis one is...Least ain't anotha fuckin' run down shift of a village....Gotta find good spots..."
-A small boom can be heard just off the ways from Emberside- "Fuck!...thought I had it this time..." -Wizwik looks now covered in soot and disappointment as another failed attempt at his more organic fuel blew up again
Taking a moment to listen to the small explosion, Turrent cracks a smile and lets a pitched bout of light laughter out.

"Looks like dis place has an amateur with the chems, figures I finally find a place an' they go and got a short fuse."

He continues looking around and taking measurements of various areas as he explores town center with his jingling gear and the clink of his attire.
-Wizwik cleans himself off and the area around him, he's closer to the tavern then Emberside so he heads over and spots the new person- "...Hello?...are you new to Ralinwood?" as a bit of his hat is still on fire
He jostles into realizing someone was nearby and jumps back in shock before pulling out a pair of containers and staring down the person realizing it was a very small individual.

"Sonnuva shit, fuckin' startling folk ain't a good thing you. Keep ya hands where I can be seeing 'em alright? Who are ya and where the shit be I kiddo?"

Even though he sounds aggitated he still smiles wide and his eyes seem to be scattered, his hands clenching the canisters tight.
-Wizwik looks confused as he realizes his hat is on fire and licks his fingers and puts out the small flame, Wizwik holds up his spear in one hand and an open palm in the other "My name is Wizwik, I'm a Gnome and you're in Ralinwood...sorry for startling you."
Spotting the spear before the words spilled out, Turrent goes wide-eyed and seems to crank one of the canisters he holds and keeps a thumb on it motioning like he was ready to toss it. He listens afterwards but his eyes are now very focused on the weapon and the strange little person separately.

"Drop ya bloody poker there kiddo, I ain't a fancier to melting young folk but I'll be doing it if ya test me. Figures first place I find bigger than a ramshackle village be full of peopl all ready to poke first and ask questions never."
-Wizwik looks confused- "You're worried about my spear?...why?...I just use it to keep myself safe is all." he ties it around his back, his devices shimmering in the moonlight. "There, now its out of my hands...I just dont feel comfortable not having it on me...dangerous around these parts to be without a weapon..."
"Safe or not ain't the question 'ere kiddo, ya had a poker in yer mitts and spooked the shite outta me. For all I know ya could be some ragabout just waiting to shiv me so gots to be sure ya don't got a weapon in hand 'fore we do anything close to chatting."

Following the movements of the spear being put away, Turrent slides a thumb over his canister that was twisted and reverses the twist carefully with a click at the end before reattaching the containers to his person slowly. His form still hunched over and his eyes peering around as he speaks a small bit calmer.

"Right now that that's all up and done wit...This be Ralinwood? Well shit I went real far then, guess I lost me track at some point. Fuck it, might as well count me chems that I found something decently set up. Listen kiddo, this town alright?"

He motions his hand as he talks towards the surrounding area with a curious twinge.
"This is a Penal Colony from what everyone else tells me but were fairly easy going, get all kinds of people here...Can I get your name~" Wizwik walks up to him and holds out a hand with a Gnomish device strapped to the side of his arm "As said I'm Wizwik~"
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