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Full Version: The Butler Returns <ts 9 AM, June 15>
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*Gustavo walks towards the town center from the docks, squinting at the sunlight, stinking lightly of grainy beer. He has a small pack slung over his shoulder, seeming to use it for balance*

Shite. Ralinwood. Ohhh well.

*He ambles over the tavern area, looks for a seat and drops himself into it*
Dande watches from outside her tent near the Tavern as this stranger to her wanders into the Tavern. She squints a little, puffing away at her pipe.
"Good morning stranger!" She jumps up walking over to greet him. "Welcome to Ralinwood." She sniffs at the air picking up on scent of beer. "Rough morning friend? Come to my tent I can fix you some tea if you'd like." She smiles warmly.
*Drakkon leaves his seat on the porch of the cabin he stays in and marches over to where Gustavo where he plops down into a chair across from the man. He sits eyeing the man silently with the fingers of his right hand tapping on the hilt of his silver stiletto*
*Gustavo's head lolls slightly to the side as he stares at the Hobbling, mouth slightly agape and blinks in confusion*

O'll the irr'sponsible tings! Invitin' a stranger into your HOME?! Wot were I a brigand o' some such? Could cut ya twixt from yer gob an' past yer baby-brewer! Then where'd ya be? Gibs an' chunks! THAT'S WHERE! An that ain't no place worth bein', save if'n ya naturally be gibbins an' chunks. But ol' Gus, swinging from a branch! Ha! I'll not be havin' yer cunning tea and attempts to peg me a murderer! Why I be having a full quarter-mind to ...

*Gus turns his head and stares at Drakkon*

Fuckin' hell. Still ugly as it gets. Hullo Drakkon!
Dande raises her brow at him and sits down. "My door is open, and Im very loud. I also have a dagger. Im not profoundly stupid you know. Besides that, I have many friends here and Im certain they would notice a healer go missing." She sits down and nods her head at Drakkon.
"Hi Drakkon, how are you?" She reaches into her bag and takes out a book and quill.
As ugly as yer mother ever was, bub. Nah....prettier.

*Leans back in the chair and smirks as he chuckles*

Good ta have ya back in town, Gustavo. Hope ya remembered ta bring yer chain and shanker with ya.

*Nods to Dandelion*

Top of the day to ya.

*Looks back to Gustavo*

Business or pleasure? What's brought ya back ta our hole of a colony?
WHAT?! Me mudder were a the finest o' pock mark ridden, beet pulling beauty queens. Her most minor or wee fucking arse boils were like a ray o' sunshine on a rainy day. And I still, got both, but that's it.

Been on a bender for da best part o' a year. Found out that Master Arcadeus were a blood sucker, then the wee git got himself sun-fried or some such. Came back as I don't be havin' much o' anything better to do these days. Not much call fer a Butler with a slip o' steel and baling wire.
Dande looks at them and cant help but smirk a little.
"So...who's your...umm entertaining friend Drakkon?" She says jotting something down in her book before closing it.
*Drakkon smirks in clear amusement to Gustavo's response.*

Exactly what he just finished saying, Dande. A former man servant.

*To Gustavo*

If yer plannin' on stayin' around for a chunk of time I think you an' I should start workin' together as we did last time you were here.
I'd agree to seekin' some honourable wage and such. Need to dig me up some coin for a new set o' leathers n' steel. Feeling a bit bare without it. Maybe one of them new fancy folk taking over town be havin' a need for a reputable gent such as I to carry them drinks.
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