- As the sun begins to set and the heat breaks, Sevatar can be seen emerging from Assassin Alley dragging a large bag behind him, and he has a number of bags strapped to himself in some way. He is walking towards the area past the skein gate -
*Bart is behind him, tent bag on his back like a knapsack, carrying a large cooler and a box in his arms*
*Roland emerges behind Bart carrying a large sack and box full of tools*
-Wizwik comically has luggage three times bigger then him on his back in a backpack like fashion- "Managed to get here with all this...can move it a couple more yards..." -he says to himself like he's struggling a bit for balance-
*Aminata follows, a large canvas backpack and a tent bag on her back, a lap small desk tucked under her arms.*
"I still haven't quiiiite decided..."
*Bart chuckles at Wizwik's struggle*
"If you need a hand there Wizwik, let me know!"
*from Stormvale Maximus yells* "And stay out!"
- He glances back to Aminata, a brief look of annoyance flashing over his face, before he just chuckles and shakes his head -
"Well. It's not like it's THAT far of a walk."
"Moving is just so DIFFICULT without good help. It would be SO much easier to stay where my things had been set already."
*Aminata continues walking forward, trying not to appear as if she feels sorry for herself, then stops and stares at Maximus shouting.*
-Wizwik looks to Bart- "I got it I-SHIT!" as the wind pushes the three large boxes onto his small frame "...dont got it...help~..."