Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Looking for the Man with No Name [May 14, noon]
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Rajani can be seen wandering about town centre. She seems to be looking for someone, although she has not called out any names.
Sitting on his rug next to the tavern he can be seen sorting through his box of wares and counting coin.
Rajani sees him and heads over. "My friend! Your robes are nearly complete. I just need your assistance for a few moments." She takes a bundle of cloth out of her satchel as she reaches him. "I just need you to put these on so I can make sure they fit," unfurling the cloth to show a set of beautiful silk robes with gold embroidery.
"Alright, just let me pack up my stuff."

The merchant can be seen putting away his belongings in the chest and locking it securely.

"Alright lets see how this looks!"
Rajani helps the man put the robe on and take out some pins. She then moves around him pinning the robe so that it fits him better. After sometime, she decides she is finished and steps back. "Well, what do you think? I just need to do these alterations and it is finished.."
"Looks great! I'll get you the coin once the alterations are done. Thanks for these, I love them so far."
"Not a problem. I get started on these alternations right now. Should be alfone within a few days." She gathers up the robes and her gear and heads back to her caravan with a wave goodbye.