Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Rules/ Database Updates
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Announcements regarding the new rules and Rulebook:

Due to the (massive) changes that have occurred in the Rulebook, we will be using a new database for prelogging, BUT THE SAME OL' WEBSITE WILL STILL BE USED. It should look and act in exactly the same way, your logins should all work. If the login doesn't work, or if there is a TECHNICAL issue, please email TECHNICAL ISSUES ONLY to logistics@underworldralinwood.ca. The database is currently being updated but once it is good to go Log team will open prelog and we'll be off!

Daniel will be handling how rules and character changes are handled. If you have any concerns about your character or how the new rules will apply, please email: daniel@underworldralinwood.ca


The new rules for spells and abilities will come into effect THIS weekend, therefore, we expect people to start using them in place of the old rules! However, due to the massive (MASSIVE) changes that have occurred in the Rulebook (MASSIVE), and the fact a whole new set of incants can be hard to remember, there will be a small grace period for using old spell incants. Basically, if you accidentally use the old incant, the spell will not be effective however, the spell slot will not be used up. You will get a re-do. The grace period will be in effect until this weekend only, then after that, the old incants will be marshalled as miscants.

Rulebook Drafts and updates can be found here:


Discussion regarding the new rules can be found here:

Rulebook Drafts and updated can be found here:


Discussion regarding the new rules can be found here:
