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Full Version: (April 29 evening) ideas?
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-kneeling in meditation at the stocks-
- Sevatar comes by and stands in front of Haru - "So. Any idea how much longer you're stuck in there for?"
-opens eyes- "as if of yet. None."
- He nods - How're you holding up? You seem the thinking type, so there's probably...worse things.
"Holding up well. Except I might be lost for how many days it has been"

-scratches head with the stocks around his hands-

"There are worse things. This feels more like training"
"It's the 29th day of this month. Hopefully this doesn't happen often"
"It shouldn't. I think"
- He sighs and shakes his head - I'll keep swinging by to make sure you're not rotting in the stocks. Take care, Haru.
*maximus walks up and shoves a potato into Haru's mouth* "You bitching all day is keeping me up. If this potato leaves your mouth I'll kill you, and no one can stop me because youre not a citizen and no one can stop me because I am!"
-looks confused-
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