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Full Version: (April 27 evening) Need to keep Focused
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"Well almost the end of day two at the stocks. And I already feel exhausted" 

-shifts legs to try and sit cross legged-

"Wonder if anyone will pass by before I have back in that cell"


Kafara, walks by before sitting in front of him watching him sadly. She holds in her hand a small basket, as she places it between them.

"How much trouble will I get into if I feed you?"
-looks up at Kafara- "I am unsure."


"Well if they wanted you dead, they would have killed you." She smiles to him, as she sits up. "So I dought they want to starve you to death."

Kafara pulls out a bowl out of her basket. "Its just oatmeal but I figured, if I brought you a real food -- they would take it away. I thinned it out- so it should be drink able."

She shows him the bowl of gruel like substance. "I swear it taste good. I know how to cook."
"Thank you" -takes the bowl of oatmeal and drinks and places down-
*Aminata walks by, eyeing the man in chains casually as she walks by. She then pauses at seeing a strange dark elf feeding him. She stops and keeps an eye on the interaction while the man is being fed.*


((It taste like cinnamon and brown sugar))

"I can't just sit by." She explains as she watches him, as she bites her lip unsure of what to say next.
"Do have a small stone by chance? I seem to unable to get to my parchment. I can't find any around this spot"


"I have paper in my book-- but handing you anything will get me a place sitting beside you. Do you need a message sent?" Kafara ask him, as she tilts her head sadly. "I never leave with out my books, you never know when you will see something or think of a new idea."
"I have an idea. And it would require is a small stone and I wouldn't have to leave my cell"
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