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Full Version: The long way round
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*Roland emerges from the path leading to Emberside, walking towards the docks. A backpack is flung over his shoulder.*
*Ophelia looks over from her sewing project.*

"Where you going, Blacksmith?"
*Looking towards the Einher woman as he walks* " A place called Jericho or crucible, or something like that. Then who knows."
"What you going though for?" *she jumps off her stop as she walks over to him.* "From what I hear, its nothing but trouble."
" Personal business, and I'll be careful."
"May the gods watch over you." *Smiles to him softly.*
* Nods his head to her*
*Deago over hears the conversation as he is walking back to camp.*

"Roland. Have a safe trip. When you're back in town. Come see me in Emerald Camp."
*Looking to Deago* "Will do." * Roland takes one last look across town before disapearing onto one of the docked ships*