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Full Version: A Drink To Forget (12-01-2015, 06:33 PM)
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Dande can be seen sitting in the tavern, sitting alone with various bottles. She takes the feather quill from her hat and takes out a small leather bound book ad takes notes. "Peppermint has cooling sensation on the tongue...cinnamon has a warming feeling and burns a bit in the belly...perhaps a combination of the two will give me the desired High Winter feeling I'm looking for..."She sets down the quill and looks at two small jars, taking a sniff from each. One jar contains brown powder, while the other contains green leaves. She takes a pinch of the brown powder and one of the leaves and rubs them between her fingers. She inhales deeply and coughs hard from inhaling the brown powder. She pulls a pocket handkerchief from her pocket and blows her nose. "That was stupid of me..." She tucks away the handkerchief and sigh, putting her hands on her temples. She sets her hat down and rubs her short hair. She pushes the bottles and jars off the table and into a sack and throws it into her bag.She rips the paper from her book and crumples it up. "High Winter is a stupid day..." She grumbles and pulls a leather water skin from around her neck. She uncorks it and takes a drink.(3 stamina)She looks up at some garlands strewn up from the ceiling, flipping off the decorations as she spots a sprig of mistletoe. "Stupid plant, makin' people all affectionate and...smoochy!" She takes another drink.(3 stamina)

MM/NPL Dustin

The tavern door swings open, a not-so-sober high elf leaning off the doorknob, "TIS THE SEASON La dah da dah daah!" he sings, slightly off-key as he stumbles into the bar. He wanders over to the table after noticing the hobling, half running into the furniture and causing it to shift, "Hey short-stuff." He slurs, "Enjoyin' dis good ol' High Winter?" His breath smells of Capri's brandy.
Dande looks at him with a murderous look.She wobbles a little and points at the ceiling." This--this plant!? Is making ym best buddy be all smoochy smoochy with another lady...its stupid!"She plops herself back down onto her seat. She breaths in deeply. "You smell like brandy...what's got you so bloody happy high elf?" She chuckles a little." Do you give into this mistletoe stuff?" She points to the ceiling.

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem cocks his eye at her, confusedly, looking almost irritated, "It's hey-winter. Loving couples during the holidays are a beautiful thing. This is a season of love and joy and..." Kyrem muffles a burp with his hand, "And all that wonderful stuff. So pardon me for being a little ffffestive." Kyrem stands up straight, steadying himself with one hand on the table, "I haven't... have not... exactly had the best couple..." He holds up his free hand with a pause and counts on his fingers for a second, "Two? Two! Two years... has that all it's been? Two years... really?" He coughs and clears his throat, taking out his silver flask and taking another swig before wiping his mouth, "Two fucking yearsh... I'm doin' my best to put up with everything. Soo p-p-ardon me little miss humbug if myselv and others are trying to enjoy our-... themselfes."
Dande frowns and looks back at him. She sniffles." I-I'm sorry...I guess...I just don't like being alone around this time of year...my cousin hasn't come back still.I feel like shit...I can't remember having a happy holiday..." She cries and covers her face."Please forgive me... I've made an ass of myself Mr. Kyrem..." She lays her head on the table sobbing.

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem sighs and shakes his head, "Lishten here, missy." He says, lightly rasping his knuckle on the table, "Y'gotta shtop feelin sorry fer yeself all the damn time." He licks his lips as he pauses to collect his thoughts into a coherent sentence, "I came to Rallinwood lookin for... someone... someone I trusted... someone who killed someone... someone I loved more than... anyone else in this world." The elf's fingers dig into the wood of the table, sparks emanating from under his palms as his knuckles turn white, "Now... everyone from my old life... is probably dead. My home is gone... this penal colony is all that I have." He looks up at her, "And I'm not the only one, Jarl Callum and Sven both lost brothers here, Lilith's entire home and family is gone too." He clears his throat, seeming suddenly more sober, "We all have our fight. If you're going to break down this easily, this world is going to chew you up. I'm not saying don't feel sad, but I suggest you grow some thicker skin." He collects his drink off the table and walks out of the tavern, the door closing heavily behind him.
Dande looks down at the table, deep in thought. "I never knew...I always felt so alone...but...there are others out there...others that hurt like me..." She looks at the water skin in her hand and gives it a gently squeeze.She sets it down on the table crying." I'm..an ass..." She stands up and collects her things stumbling out of the tavern. She waddles toward Capri's tent.