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Full Version: Down Spirits (11-30-2015, 12:15 PM)
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Dande wanders towards the docks, staff in hand with a sad expression on her face. She sits down on the edge of a dock, uncorking a bottle of mead. She sighs and takes a long drink.(approximately 3 shots, 3 stamina)She keeps the bottle out and looks out at the sea. "I wish I knew if you were okay cousin...I'm lonely...and...I..I think he's moved on...I'm not even sure if...I'm not sure if I can handle seeing him with another woman...I'm happy for him and all cause she's you know..someone he can relate to, but...it makes me sad. He looked really happy with her. I wonder if I made him that happy..." She takes another drink.(1 stamina)She hugs her knees." I don't know why I bother...not like you can hear me cousin..." Dande hugs her knees tighter and cries into them softly.
Ishtaar wanders past, noticing the hobbling speaking to herself. He pauses in his walk, his expression softening, as he ponders for a few moments before walking near where she sits.

"'Ey, wee one. Be ya doin' well?" He asks, kneeling slowly, and sitting a short distance away.
Dande jumps, startled a little and turns to see the dark elf. She rubs her eyes on her sleeve and sniffles before shaking her head." It's been months since I've seen or heard anything from my cousin...I'm scared something has happened to her." She looks back down at her feet and then to the bottle in her hand, taking another swig.(1 stamina)She sniffles again and looks back to the dark elf." I don't think we have met before...my name is Dandelion Bobbin...are you new to Ralinwood?"
He nods slowly, listening to her speak.

"Aye, tha I be. I be knowin' tha pain. I only found one ah me lads, aft we gah separated when arrivin' down tha way," He says, pointing down the shore. "We gah swarmed by brood on tha sea, an' made a hasty stop, gah split away an' I only been able ta find one ah they."

He leans back on one of his hands, turning to face Dandelion better, "Name's Ishtaar, Ishtaar Ashen of the Travelin' Blades. Landed in Ralinwood a few moons ago, been wanderin' lost a bit."
Dande frowns, standing up and walking over closer to Ishtaar and offering him a drink." It's nice to meet you Ishtaar."She smiles weakly."Here, I find it sometimes helps with the pain." She sits down in front of him. "Im sorry you lost some of your friends. I will pray that you find them or they find you and are all safe." She looks back out at the sea." So...where are you from?"
He smiles to her, "Thank ye kindly, I would love ah sip." He says, smiling warmly. "I made ah promise ta they folks, tha I see they get ta Valhalla proper. Kept tha promise fer three generations ah they fam, ha." He says, and chuckles then shakes his head.

"I be from all o'er, lass. Born in Antioch, an run outta it when tha Demon business came up. Were part of the group tha went an found Golgolath, buh, I could nae settle fer the underside. Travel all 'round, been ta Mjoll, traveled through Berphaunt an' Duvain, sailed some seas with a few folk. Na, I be here in Ralinwood fer the time, til it be time ta move along again." He says, smiling out to the water.
*Holding a bundle of long wooden planks over his shoulder and a sack of tools, Swiggins returns to the docks looking like he hasn't sleep for a couple days but still seems to be in a good enough mood to whistle a light tune. He spots the pair at the docks and unloads his supplies next to his ship before speaking out.*

"Starting to think folk are real clutter-headed if they keep coming to me neck of the port. Ain't much reason for any to come out here 'cept to find a way off this isle or to find a good place for the ale. Unless ya came this way to speak to the Cap'n again?"

*Swiggins takes up his tools and begins to work some siding to his boat carefully while still keeping an ear open.*
Dande smiles. "What's Antioch like? I've never heard of it..."
Dande's cheeks turn a little red and she turns to the captain, her mood changing. She jumps up and runs over to him, stumbling a little." I-I made some coin Captain! I finally did it!" She pulls out a small coin purse and pours the contents into her free hand. Out of the purse comes 5 silver pieces. She grins ear to ear and hands them to him.
*Swiggins turns his head to the little one before spotting the coin, he chuckles a bit before stopping his work and turning towards her.*

"Scored the coin did ye? Glad to hear it, every little bit helps further the ship's progress."

*Swiggins pockets the coin in a satchel inside his vest before turning back to the work he was currently doing.*

"Ain't gonna keep ya from yer friend there, you two seemed to be chatting all nice like. If you two need a drink or such there be a fresh barrel of ale by me camp at the end of the port here. Help ye self to a mug."
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