*Prawl looks to a paper in her hands as she sits in the corner, biting her lip as she thinks.*
Kyrem wanders by, a series of sealed envelopes with various names on them in his hand as well as a brown package under his left arm. He spots the wild elf as he wanders, "'Morning Prawl." He greets, "Got yourself a bit of mail?"
*Prawl looks up unsure, as she looks to the letter.*
"I have been asked to go to Antioch, to the Temple of Doranth."
*Prawl bites her lip unsure.*
Kyrem tilts his head to the side, cocking an eyebrow, "An... odd invitation to receive this far south." Kyrem clears his throat, rifling through his letters and stashing them under his arms, "But as a Dragon worsh- pardon me - follower, I don't see why you shouldn't go. It's not everyday you receive an invitation for such things."
*Prawl looks to Kyrem with tears in her eyes*
"Its from Azura's parents- they want to meet me. "
*Prawl looks back to the paper scared as she bites her lip.*
"I dont know what to do-- they want me to skygate over in firday. But I do not know these people- if this is even his family."
- Sevatar walks closer to the two, nodding to each in turn - "Kyrem. Prawl. How goes it?"
*Prawl attempts to smile to him, as she holds the paper in her hands as they turn almost write.*
"Is there a way to know if whom says sent a letter, really did?"
"You can watch them write it. Why?"
"That doesn't help." *She looks to the letter worried.* "This says its an Invitation to the Temple of Doranth in Antioch, It says Aura's parents wrote this letter."