-A glow of blue fire leaks from the tree's of the town fire as it makes its way to the tavern, the blue fire is surrounding Wizwik as he clearly looks pissed off, he stands by the old relic (basketball hoop)- "Dammit calm down! CALM DOWN!!....RRAHH FUUCK!!" he punches the post [1 Elemental Fire] "...Fucking Fae...stupid trickster Fae! I hate them...I hate them so much!!!" -if nothing happens in 10 minutes Wizwik's fire dims and he maintenance his device, then works 10 minutes resetting his devices-
-Wizwik walks back to Emberside-
Dande see's Wizwik heading to Emberside and follows after him.
-Wizwik stops as he hears someone following him, spins on a dime spear at the ready- "I SAID!-...oh...hey Dande..." -his body visibly shaking-
Dande cautiously walks toward him. "Wizwik are you alright?" She comes closer to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.
-Wizwik steps back from Dande to not let her touch him- "No I'm not alright...my blood is boiling and I really dont feel stable right now...I'm going to see Swiggins..." -Wizwik walks off towards the docks-
Dande frowns and follows him."Im coming with you then."
*Watches the going on from town centre chuckling to himself as the gnome goes nuts*