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Full Version: Looking for Wizwik (November 5th, 2pm)
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Demetria wanders around town looking for Wizwik, asking passers-by if they might have seen him.
-Wizwik is sitting by the tavern enjoying a late lunch-
Demetria spots him and skips over. "Afternoon Wizwik!" She smiles as she takes a seat beside him.
"Ah top of the Afternoon to ye Demetria, how goes it?" he says finishing off his plate of food
"Umm.. good. Good I think for the most part.." She nods thoughtfully. "How about you? I see you're trying to get rid of your grandpapa's staff..? Why would you wanna do that?"
he chuckles "You saw the post I had pinned up eh...well its not like I want to get rid of the staff...it is all I have left of me Grandpapi...but its a constant reminder he is gone...plus I'm not using it as well as he probably intended...Im much better with a Spear then a staff so I want to give it to someone who will use it right. Grandpapi loved magic and knowledge...so handing it off to someone who could make full use of it would be best"
"Oh I see.. I can understand that. Well.. I don't want you to regret it but you've probably thought of it for a while, haven't you?" She smiles sadly. "If you want to I can try to help! I'm not really sure how soul thingie magic stuff works though.."
"If the staff is put to proper use then Grandpapi would be happy his product of Experimental Soul Magic was in the right hands...and I posted up my idea for how I might get this off me...but I feel that with something this unique...I dont give it out to the first person I see...I dont want people hating me for thinking I didn't think about them over who I picked so I want it to be a group call."
"Oh of course! It's an important decision to make for sure. I just wanna offer support in case you need anything.. I mean this can't be that easy for you after all, your grandpapa hasn't been gone for very long.. And I also wanted to give you this!" She lifts her necklace over her head and places it around Wizwik's neck. "It's my Papa's! It's not magical or anything.. just a necklace but it's important and I want you to have it."
-Wizwik's eyes go wide as he looks at the necklace in his hand- "Wh..but...Demetria...you should keep this." He looks stunned from this "Demetria I can't accept something this special to you..."
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