Dande sits at a table in the tavern, bag over her shoulder and a larger pack with a bed roll by her feet. She is sound asleep with her head resting on her arms. She snores softly. She reaches around the table grabbing a loaf of bread and pulling toward her, sticking it under her head as a pillow.She smiles and murmurs."Mmmm...you smell like bread Wizwik..."She snores loudly and continues to sleep.
-Wizwik walks into town and see's Dande sleeping in the tavern area, he smiles and walks over to the table and sits down on the other side- "Wake up Dande~"
Dande mumbles and looks up sleepily. She rubs her eyes."T-tell me Im not dreaming...if I am lemme go back to sleep..."She looks up and see's Wizwik and falls off her seat."H-holy shit your back!" She stands up and embraces him."I missed you so much!I have so much to tell you, h-hows the ship? Are you and the Captain alright?" She grips him tightly before giving him a kiss.She drops her shoulder bag down and sits back in her seat smiling.
he chuckles and accepts the kiss "yer not dreaming there Dande, I missed ye as well. The ship is alright, but we heard alot of stuff was coming through so Me, Swiggins and all the other people went into hiding. If we tried to fight we would have been slaughtered by the sheer numbers. Both Swiggin's and I are alright...so...how did Ralinwood fair?"
Dande breathes a sigh of relief and then shrugs her shoulders."Im not sure...to be honest I hid a lot as well. I found a small and strange door though...was shiny and golden.Capri found one too I think." Dande looks at the squished loaf of bread and tears off a piece. She nibbles on it."Do you want to know what was behind the door?" She swallows and gets up for a moment and returns with a bowl of broth. She blows on it and sips at it.
Wizwik looks confused "A Door to what?..just like...out in the middle of the field or something?"
Dande nods."It was by a big pine tree.When I touched it, it sucked me in." She pulls him over gently and clings to him."Gods I missed you...I was lonely.I know I wasnt alone but I was so scared...not like I can snuggle with Capri." She frowns. "I wish you were there...I felt like a coward...I...I wasnt brave at all." She looks down at her feet."There were Banshees and weird laughing creatures and all through the night I heard screams of people and..."She starts to cry."And I did nothing!I hid all night and I was a coward!I-I dont deserve to be here...I dont deserve to be alive right now! I should have been helping people, by rights I should be dead right now!" She slams her fist on the table and lays her head in her arms on the table, crying.
-Wizwik pulls her into a tight hug- "Dont say that Dande...ye survived to help others another day, its not yer soul responsibility to keep everyone alive, just to help as ye can. If ye would have gone out...ye may have died...I worried about ye as well...I'm just happy ye did the smart thing and kept yerself alive."
Dande shakes her head."I..I dont even know how many friends I've lost..I havent checked to see if anyone is even ok...I was so ashamed...I packed up my things and left while Capri was out. I feel more like a burden then a student now...I dont even feel worthy of his teachings. I feel the Light Bringer would be disappointed with my choices.I just...I dont know what to do with myself right now." Dande continues to sulk and picks up her things."Im sorry Wizwik...I think...I think you deserve someone so much better then me." She cries and runs out of the tavern headed toward the forest.
"Dande wait!!" -Wizwik bolts after her into the forest-