*A strange gray tent is erected at the edge of the pine trees to the left of the water's edge in town. Outside are 7 tiny scarecrows with blue inked symbols on them, in a semi circle in front of the entrance. A pair of bells, and some flowers are hanging above the doorway. Behind the tent are 7 wooden stakes with similar symbols*
((Arcane Witch Marks: Psionics, Elemental, Wytchcraft, Dark, Nature, Corrupted Nature, Necromancy. The 7 at the back are duplicates in the same order))
Kyrem aporoaches the tents, wincing as he comes into range of the elemental mark, but presses on (self mutilate). "Hello? Blank, you there?"
*There is no response. The pain from the Witch Mark continues*
*Sven hobbles along side kyrem, fiddling with his necklace of beads and mumbling to himself as he observes the witchmarks with concern*
Kyrem slowly approaches the tent, looking in excruciating pain, "Odd that he'd set up this far out, eh Sven?" He asks his quirky companion through slightly gritted teeth.
*Sven walks over to the elemental witch mark and (if allowed) pulls it from the ground, walking away from kyrem he watches to see if the pain crossing his face will lessen*
"Blank....turn on..." *he mumbles just an earshot away from the tent*
((Technically you do not know which is which. But I'll assume you pick the design with flames, bolts, ice, and rock))
*Sven effortlessly pulls the red-caped scarecrow from the ground. As soon as he does so, the pain wracking Kyrem stops abruptly*
( id assume he'd keep pulling them out till kyrem stopped struggling, and go from there my bad )
Kyrem sighs, "Thanks Sven. I wonder where he is though?" He says, coming closer to the tent.
"He didn't follow any lights" speaking quietly, he goes to bat near his ear, as if something was tugging on it*