Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Training Accident (10-15-2015, 09:25 AM)
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Dande sits outside of the tavern blending unknown herbs and liquids. She starts to pour them into a bottle, swishing them around. The liquid appears to be a black mush of things. She scrunches her face and begins to shake the bottle. As she shakes it the bottle starts to smoke and then proceeds to blow up in her face, smoke everywhere. She coughs, fanning away the smoke.When the smoke clears her hair is gone, the remains extremely short. Her eye browns blackened and soot covering her face. "Right,*coughs*, mental note...no more brewing alone." She throws away the remains of the bottle, shaking her head.She rubs the soot off her face and scratches her head. She pauses."W-what?!" She pats her head and where her side burns used to be. She screams."MY HAIR!!" She gathers her things quickly before running into Brother Capri's tent and hiding under her bed roll.

(( OOG, I got a hair cut and I have no hair so I had to think of a way to explain it so someone gave me the genius idea for a brewing accident. I have my teacher to thank for this.))
*Sage laughs, as she watches the tiny hobbling run off.*
"Poor lamb."
Dande emerges wearing a red cloth over her head similar to Capri's, trying to hide her new found baldness.
"What where you trying to do? I could have easily shaved your head." *Sage smiles to her as she watches.*
Dande grumbles and flips her off."I was working, unlike you!" She continues to the tavern.