*Anyone who enters the cabin after 2pm can note that all of Drakkon's possessions including bedding are gone from the cabin. There is no sign of him for atleast the next 5 days*
*Sage looks around confused.*
"He must have knocked up a farmers wife- or daughter."
*She smiles, as she looks to see if he left anything behind.*
Rangor would have been waiting for Drakkon once people started to wake up to ensure he had his weapons and treasures all returned in full.
*Sven wanders into the cabins doorframe, he seems to be fiddling with some beads on a necklace giggling to himself, he levels his gaze with sage and begins to shake his head progressively tilting his head to the side*
"Sooomeeething wicked...this way comeeess..." *he whispers in a singsong tune, he looks about the room with wide eyes before stepping inside and feeling about the bedrails and other loose objects, he'll get about five feet from sage before knocking something to the ground (assumed tea cup) before swaying back and forth like a child*
"Grim things are ahead...best not dwell on such...reckless things"
*he motions to the broken cup*
"we all fall down...." he mummers before turning around slowly and almost as if he was wounded begins to limp from the cabin, his eyes drifting from one bed to another.*