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Full Version: Bells are ringing, whirring, clicking (TS October 13, 5:35 pm)
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*There is a cacophony of noise from underneath Kyrem's cabin. It sounds like a cross between frantic high pitched thruming, and a jingling bell. It abrupts ceases, being replaced by a twin set of whirring noises every 3 seconds*
Dande, coming from Wizwik's tent, hears the strange noises and covers her ears."W-what in the Light Bringers name, is that horrible sound?"
-Wizwik not being far behind Dande he listens intently to the noice for about a minute- "...doesn't...sound quite right...wait...bell...only one I know around here that has a bell is...BLANK!" -he looks under the cabin to the source of the noise-
Follows behind him yelling."Y-you idiot, wait for me!" She follows him to investigate.
*Blank's body is laying underneath the cabin, partially covered in autumn leaves*
"...Blank ye be alright under there lad?...come out of there so we can get ye warmed up"
Dande gently tries to shake him."C-come on Blank, you're scaring me...g-get up.." Dande says worried about her friend.
*He twitches to look at her*

"Tzzrit'ilak? Inmoran iruskai- dan-de? Classsification, Hobling"
*He looks over at Wizwik*

"Get me out"
-Wizwik climbs under the cabin and takes hold of Blanks shoulders- (If allowed, Picking up 1,2,3) -Wizwik then carefully lifts up Blank and does his best to get him out under the Cabin, sets him on his feet and helps dust him off- "You alright there Blank?...You sounded...kinda...broken there for a second..." Wizwik looks over him curious and worried-
*He allows him to do so, standing with a creaking sound*

"Commendable. Neeeed to find othersss"
*He pats Wizwik on the shoulder and strides off toward the fire pit*
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