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Full Version: A Late Return (Oct 7 2015 6:33pm)
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*Orokgrim walks into town, from the direction that many used to return from the stronghold*

*He leans on his Halberd and has blood splattered on his limbs, face, and boots*

*Samvel is sitting down by the tavern looking through his book*
"Where the fuck you been?" *Sage looks up to the Orc, as she sits on the porch of the Cabin.*
Demetria shrieks when she spots the bloody Orc and rushes over to him. She timidly fusses over him, attempting to clean the blood off his face.
"I went on patrol around the stronghold, checking for sneaky attacks, but then i got lost. There were plenty of orcs to kill to pass the time though"

*Orokgrim belches loudly*


*He pauses with a confused look as his face is cleaned*
*Sage watches as she shakes her head*
"Well good to see our numbers grow at any rate"
*Sage looks around before turning to Orokgrim.*

"Where be your kin?"
*Orokgrim's eyes squint as he takes a look around*

"Are they not here? They didnt go on patrol with me, i went alone"

*Orokgrim frowns*

"And we may be orcs, but they are not my kin"
"You where always with them, I guess I read it wrong." *Shakes her head as she looks inside to Drakkon.* "You are the first to return.." *Sage turns back to him.* "Just you and Magnor where ever he is today."
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