Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Looking for strength ((Oct 2. 9pm))
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*sage walks around town looking for a strong looking person.*
*Capri is currently making his rounds about town rooting through various plant life when he hears the foots steps nearby and turns towards the steps.*

"Young one, things all be being alright? Ya'll taking the stride about with some sorta purpose."
((Sorry, my account didn't switch. just go with CApri on this.))
"Hello priest! Can you help me? I need to move Haru to the cabin he's to far out to help if and when the Demond's come. " *Sage smiles to him looking worried.*
*Capri chuckles a bit before stowing the herbs he collected.*

"Where all be the small bro?"
"Follow me, he likes to hide." *Sage shakes her head with a laugh, he's just past the town fire hidden in the trees."
*Sage tells him as she leads the way.* "he likes to be able to move around quickly, when he wants or hears things in the trees. I think he's a ranger."
*Capri follows as he flexs and unflexs his arms to work out his muscles.*

"Let us all be findin' a bro before ya'll start with the digging into what he be working as."
*Sage laughs as she shakes her head, leading Capri to Harus tent as she let's them both in.*
"If you carry him, I can carry his weapons and his book."
*Capri kneels down and hefts the small body over his shoulder carefully holding him in place with one arm. He exits the tent slowly before turning to Sage.*

"His weapons be all making the sense to have him up and carry, but his personal effects be something else. it'd be best to all up and keep them being somewhere he knows or away from prying bros. Is there some bro or sis ya'll can be having hold his effects safely till he be up and walking the light proper?"
"He can keep then in the Cabin with my tings, I have not been sleeping in the cabin." *Sage explains as she carries his weapons, and his book. "I will come back for his things later, there isn't much so I can do it quickly. I will place his things under my bunk, I have nothing down there. Just a few baby spiders."
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