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Full Version: More Muttering (Sept 30 4pm)
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Gale flings the flap of her tent open and waves the incense from her face. She stomps towards the first person she sees.

"More sleep whispers, Demons to blame..."
"What kind of Demond's?" *Sage looks to her worried as she clings to a mug of coffee. *

MM/NPL Dustin

A very tired looking Kyrem approaches from the cabin after hearing Gale, "What do you know?" He asks, bluntly.
Gale looks from Sage to Kyrem, slowly rubbing her temples

"Lilith is tryin ta get people to wake up, she an Haru both say it's Demons 'testing' town people. Hey, Sage can I getta sip of that?"

She points towards the cup of coffee

"Kyrem, your girlfriend is trying to talk sense to a Demon powerful enough to pull most of town into his own little proving ground. You may wanna talk to her when she wakes up."
*Passes the coffee over without thinking.*
"What of this demon, can we stop him? please tell me we can wake them up."

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem nods, rubbing his eyes, in which dark circles have formed, "I'll be sure to do that whenever it is she wakes. Anything else, Gale?"
* Sevatar walks to the gathering *
"I overheard something about a demon...?"

MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem turns to Sevatar and cocks his eyebrow in confusion, "Where the hell have you been, Sev?"
* Samvel walks by* " Seems my demon theory is correct"
"What do you mean?" *turns to Samvel, as she walks over to him.* "What do you know?"
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