Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Home at Last [Sept 21, 11am]
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After a grisly battle, you recover yourselves and march homeward. The walk takes a full three days with so few healers at hand and so many people wounded. At the end of the third day, you collapse into thankful sleep in the camps you've been missing for so long. On the morning of the fourth day, you find that some of your allies cannot be wakened. They remain in a deep, deathlike slumber in their beds.

(LAY ON!!)
*Prawl awakes the next morning with a giggle as she moves around Ralinwood in her normal happy, but scared ways.*

MM/NPL Dustin

For the next few days, anyone around town centre will notice Kyrem has dry blood stains running down his face from the corners of his eyes, his nose and his ears.
*Kendov puffs his pipe, sitting by admiring his iron fist*
"Kyrem- are you ok?"
*Seeing Kyrem, Prawl walks over speaking softly (I invoke Nature to create Goodberry.) holding out several barries to the high elf shyly."
*With heavy steps and a few gulps from his backpack tank of brew, Capri steps to the center of town before taking a meditative seat with his staff leaning over his left shoulder. For any that pass by him they can hear the light speech of prayer as he channels.*
After seeing a bloodly Kyrem wandering around, Demetria starts shadowing him. She follows him around while carrying wet cloths and will attempt to clean his face every once in a while.

A goblin played by Matty

*Cure light wounds on Kyrem* Bleeding from the eyes is bad for the health.
Dande awakens and starts wandering toward the tavern looking for Brother Capri. She looks up at morning sun and smiles. "Praises be to you, Light Bringer!" She wanders through the town centre and finds him meditating and sits down next to him quietly as to not disturb him.
-Wizwik is just relaxing by the Tavern doing Tinkering, notices Kyrems condition but see's everyone offering help, looks at everyone else doing their stuff- "-sigh- its good to be back in Ralinwood~" he says smiling
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