Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Oh Roland! Aug. 17th 4pmish
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*Drakkon looks around the encampment for Roland*

Roland! Ya lazy cur!  Where abouts be ya?!  We've business to discuss!
* Roland stands from his stool at the side of his tent as he hears his name called.* " Drakkon, over here" * He sits back down at what appears to be a very rudimentary smithing setup and continues repairs on some metal guantlets*
*Walks over to Roland, leans in close so that only he can hear what is said, and speaks to him for a moment before straightening*

(Incoming message on Facebook)
*Sage waves as she sits not far off, watching Roland every once in a while talking to him when he is taking a break.*
-Haru can be seen running back and forth from a nearby forest and between tents of the large camp straight to his tent carrying various lengths of branches, cloth and rope-
*Shoos his sister away as the two discuss business. There is clearly some back and forth over the next 5 minutes or so with Drakkon frowning heavily towards the end. People walking by that know of Drakkon's expression when threatening someone with bodily harm but not death see the expression as he talks quietly to Roland, they see Roland look like he is seriously mulling something over before nodding, and then Drakkon's expression change to a somewhat pleased one. Drakkon reache over, claps Roland on the shoulder, and walks away after handing over a silver dagger, some chunks of ore, and some coin to the smith*