(08-18-2015, 11:20 AM)Maximus Nothus Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to say thank you to Ivanna for the tavern. Some of you may not know that so many people ordered food who did not respond to her asking who will need food this game post, that she ended up cooking and handing out her own food so thank you Ivanna
ya'll ate my left overs >

but seriously guys when ivanna posts about the tavern on facebook please have the common decency to chime in so we can figure out how much we should be bringing. if it weren't for anthony running out to grab emergency hot dogs most of you wouldn't have eaten period even after you ate our food lol
(08-18-2015, 01:26 PM)Acorn NPC Wrote: [ -> ] (08-18-2015, 11:20 AM)Maximus Nothus Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to say thank you to Ivanna for the tavern. Some of you may not know that so many people ordered food who did not respond to her asking who will need food this game post, that she ended up cooking and handing out her own food so thank you Ivanna
ya'll ate my left overs >
but seriously guys when ivanna posts about the tavern on facebook please have the common decency to chime in so we can figure out how much we should be bringing. if it weren't for anthony running out to grab emergency hot dogs most of you wouldn't have eaten period even after you ate our food lol
Totally agree with you.
May I add that next time the tavern post get cross-posted to the Forums? Some people don't have Facebook. Plus the Forums makes it official business.
thats a good idea i'll make sure to remind ivanna about it as well
I really enjoyed this game! The plot team does a really awesome job, and clearly put a lot of thought into stuff (as seems to be usual).
+ Like battle mods - every fight seems to have some interesting mechanic to it, like the screaming Dark elementals, the bridge, and coming in in units. I'd have liked to see the 1, 2, 3, 4 thing a little more worked out; I feel like it wasn't maximally utilised. But I loved having us not come in as an amoeba and have to split into groups
+ Having ghost and demon stuff happen. I felt so useful. Thank you. <3
+ Anthony is a creepy, creepy man who comes to wake me up with blindness. It was great!
+ The tavern; I am one of the jerks who didn't plan to eat there, but did (I didn't see anything where I could put down this intention, but there you go). But from now on I will be eating there
+ All my in-game buddies are so lovely to roleplay with. And my in-game enemies!
+ Elektra's Friday night role was wonderfully done
+ I liked the birthday monsters. Everybody felt special. I also felt amazing when Constantine (I think it was Constantine?) went "Well, that was fast"
+ The bomb mod - I love things that can be solved by being sneaky, rather than violent!
+ The guys from Havenhollow were lovely
+ Good job to Callum for making his own stuff happen!
+ Also props to Constantine for spending the entire time running shit
+ Drunk Doyly
- I heard a lot of complaints about the bridge mod. Plot was clearly very thoughtful about making sure everybody was okay during that - they brought water, had breaks, and kept us in the shade. If you were having a tough time, you were able to leave. Any tiredness was from people being jerks in game and not shifting in/out, not plot being silly. So my complaint is other people complaining
- I need to figure out a better way to do auguries; I keep being unable to do them because a big mod is about to happen or everybody went to bed or something. But, again, my fault, not plot's... although it was a little frustrating to have NPCs do something time sensitive and then try to do an augury about it - only to hear that everybody has gone to bed
(08-18-2015, 01:54 PM)Lilith Caia Wrote: [ -> ]- I need to figure out a better way to do auguries; I keep being unable to do them because a big mod is about to happen or everybody went to bed or something. But, again, my fault, not plot's... although it was a little frustrating to have NPCs do something time sensitive and then try to do an augury about it - only to hear that everybody has gone to bed
When did we go to bed when you were planning to do an Augury? Morgaine is our Augury queen and she rarely slept this event. Maybe we can come up with a better system for next game. Brainstorming shall commence.
Now that I think about it, it may have been the 3 hours she slept on Saturday afternoon, after staying up the whole night.
It was after the goblins came out and stole blood on Saturday night. That said, I didn't go and check; I was just told by some shift NPCs that everybody was going to bed.
that would have been around 2am
Which is a very legit time to go to sleep. I should've just woken up early in the morning to do it.
Ooh, yes. Everyone did end up going to bed...Except Morgaine and I who ended up staying up with the owner of Havenhollow.
Next time come by and visit, for sure.