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Full Version: A small celebration (08/04/2257 - Mid afternoon)
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MM/NPL Dustin

Kyrem sits on the small wooden structure in the field just due west of the cabins. He has a book in one hand and a glass of amber liquid in the other. Next to him is a small metal plate with grapes, sliced cheese and bread on it. He hums to himself as he reads while taking periodic bites from his food and re-filling his glass.
"Top of the Afternoon to ye Kyrem" -looks at the plate of food- "Not a bad afternoon snack~"

MM/NPL Dustin

He nods, "Hello there, tinker'er." He says, looking to his plate, "Yes, it's quite a good lay-out. I figure I may as well use my birthday as an excuse to buy something more exquisite than eggs and bacon..." He looks down at his plate, "although, come to think of it, bacon and eggs would have been really good..." He closes his book and pops a grape in his mouth.
"Wait its yer Birthday!? Well shit Kyrem why didn't ye say so! We should do something to celebrate!" he said smiling and exited
Lilith emerges from her tent a little ways off and wanders over to Kyrem and Wizwik. She looks up. "Good afternoon, Fidele. Mind if I join you?"

MM/NPL Dustin

He moves his iron sword to his left side and gestures for her to sit to his right, "By all means, be my guest." He says with a smile.
"....So that's a no to the Birthday party then?"

MM/NPL Dustin

He laughs, "Wizwik, my friend, I'm fourty-seven years old and I plan to live to a ripe old age of... several hundred. Birthday parties became obsolete to me in my mid thirties." He takes a sip from his glass, "But I appreciate the thought."
"...Fair enough I suppose...would have been nice to have a party or something to liven up this place...its been getting...well I dont want to say boring with the shit we need to take care of...but something to liven up the spirits of people"
Lilith climbs up and pops a grape into her mouth. "Oh, is it your birthday? Bonne fete, a stor." She shakes her head at Wizwik, smiling. "We could get married."
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