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Full Version: A flash at the Skein Gate [ July 22, 9:30 PM ]
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Early in the evening the gate sparks to life. A partially gloved hand sticks out, waves around, then slowly retracts.

Moments pass before a short, visibly bruised Einher steps out, clad in leather and furs. She stands straight, looks around, then shouts.

Bjorn runs in, offering a shoulder to lean on. "Thor's hammer!" he exclaims. "Wha happened, lass?"
*Walking close by and hearing Bjorn's voice, Roland moves towards the scene.*

" Bjorn, I was walking by and heard your ... what's happening here?"
The Einher looks confused and momentarily offended at the offer of a shoulder.

"What? What are you doing? Ah can walk!"
"What is wrong lass?" *Looks to the new Einher, as she walks over*
"Well ah don't know this area and ah'm looking for Jarl Callum! Tha is it!"
" Well if it is the Jarl you seek you should head to Muntir camp. Master Bjorn here is probably the best person to lead you there, being from that camp and all. Welcome to Ralinwood by the way, my name is Roland."

*Heads back on his way to emberside camp*
Bjorn backs away with hands held up defensibly, "Sorry, lass, I assumed the bruises were as bad as they look, meant no offence. I can take ye' t' Callum."
"Just got into a scrap with an asshole before ah came here. Ah've had worse."

She runs a hand over her jaw.

"Anyway, if yah could lead me to him ah'd be thankful."
"Right, this way, Lass," he beckons. Bjorn stops to look at Sage and Roland awkwardly. "This seems t' be an Einish thing, soooo..." he trails off with a look of guilt before showing a woman to the camp.
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