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Full Version: Bonding time with Drakkon ((July 21 11 bells.)
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*Sage walks over to Drakkon playing with her dagger as she walked up to his cabin.*
*A small table is set up outside the cabin on the porch with a chair on either side, Drakkon in the one with it's back to the rail, and a pouch sitting upon the table. Nods to her when she is close.*

Put the knife away and sit in the chair, Sage. Time to learn somethin'.
*nods as she walks up on to the porch, taking a seat as she looks to Drakkon placing her daggers behind her back.*

"What do you have for me?"
*Puts a small vial of ink on the table with a quill, unstoppers the bottle, dips the quill, and draws the number 1 on a piece of parchment. He continues to draw numbers until he reaches 20. When he is done he joins to of the numbers with a bracket and draws +1 underneath it. He does this for each pairing until they are all done*

This is yer first lesson in counting and numbers. The first one here *points at the number 1* is the number one. Only number less the 1 is zero which means nothin'. 1 has value where 0 has none.

*Opens his pouch and pulls out a silver coin placing it on the table.*

That coin is 1 silver piece. It's value is small but grows the more you add.

*Pulls a second silver coin from the pouch and places it next to the first.*

Now I've added a second coin to the first. The value have increased now. 1 *Touches the first coin* plus 1 *Touches the second coin* is two.

*Points to the parchment showing her on it what he had done with the coins. This continues until he hit 20. He only adds one at a time and explains each number to her.*

Follow so far?
*watches as she repeats back the new information.*
"So how many silver is a gold?"
10 silver makes up a single gold piece.

*Spends the rest of the afternoon doing simple addition and subtraction with Sage giving her a break here and there to let things sink in and get water into them. Calls and end to the lesson around 4pm*

That's it for today. Keep the parchment for yourself to practice with. When you get good up to 20 we'll go into some higher numbers.
*nods with a smile, as she looks at the paper before folding it up.*
"I will work on more, and if I have questions or get confused I will come back." *Nods with a smile, as she lights up a smoke, passing him one.*
*Waves off the cigarette and does a quick count of the coins that were being used before putting them back looking like he was satisfied at the count.*

Glad that you and Lilith have buried tha hatchet before I had ta kill ya both. We've got enough problems before us ta have ta worry about tha two of ya at each other's throats.
*Shakes her head* "Women are to confusing for me. I miss being a boy."
Pretendin' to be one. You ain't a man. Ain't got the right bits ta be one.


And yer right. You women can be. There be times that I wish I could stangle the lot of ya. But, that'd be punishin' myself as well.

*Shakes his head*
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