Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Seeking Sevatar ((July 4 noon))
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*A timid Prawl looks around the Tarven, followed by her Draconian fiancee, as she seeks out Sevatar.*
* Sevatar walks into the tavern, before taking a seat. When he sees Prawl and Azura he offers a wave *
((wrong character.))
*Nods to Sevatar, then keeps a look out around them*
*Prawl approaches slowly, to him as Azura watched from a distance.*
"Sevatar, right?" *Smiles softly trying to remember, as she moves closer.* "Do you know how the mages guild works around here? I could really use some help."
"It is, Miss Prawl. The Mages' guild is...in its formatory period. Have you not found anyone to help with your spellbook? I read the notice, but I'm of little use myself. We can go look for Ashe or Moon if you'd like."
"Where would I find them?" *frowns softly, as she bits her lip.*
"I believe Ashe has her own camp. I've never been there, myself. Moon camps with her, I believe? I'm not sure where he camps truth be told. We can go looking for them around town if you'd like."
*Pulls out parchment, scribbles on it, then walks over to the notice board*
*Smiles to Sevatar, with a small bow.*
"Thank you very much."
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