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Full Version: A Civilised Breakfast [10:15 AM]
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Lilith, Magnar, and Ras approach the tavern. Lilith orders pancakes and tea and takes a seat.
*takes a seat beside Lilith*

Remind me to never piss him off. *pulls out a flagon of wine, then looks for a glass*
*A few minutes later stalks towards the Tavern with the left side of his tunic looking wet and a hole at the top of the wetness can be seen from time to time as he closes on the Tavern aiming right for Lilith's group*
Lilith chuckles and sips from her water.
*Magnar orders food and sits down. He pulls his eye-patch up, both eyes teem to work fine and takes out a water skin from his side, drinking it.*
*Grabs a cup, eyeing it, then pours himself some wine*

This... this is Elven breakfast. *glances to Drakkon* Did you get it out of your system?
*Gives an unfriendly glare to Ras as he makes it to the table. The scent of fresh blood exudes from his tunic as he walks around to the side of the table that Lilith is facing as she had her back to him. Drakkon places both hands on the table and leans forward bringing his face towards Lilith's*

Darlin', my sister is off limits.

*Looks around the Tavern*

That applies to everyone.

*Turns a death glare on Manor while waiting for the expected reply from Lilith*
(Magnor even)
(Or even possibly Magnar.)

Lilith grins widely. "Sure." Lilith leans forward a little and takes hold of Drakkon's collar, pulling him towards her, and kisses him. She lets go and lets her hand fall to the table, into the little pool of blood left by his tunic. She sits back down and licks her hand. "You're cute when you're angry."
*Looks shocked when she grabs his tunic and pulls him in for a kiss. He gives her lower lip a light nip with his teeth as she disengages before smirking at her tasting of his blood.*

I knew there was a reason I spent time and coin on ya.

*Turns his glare back to Magnar*

You EVER touch my sister in any way that ain't savin' her life again and your crotch will match your head for havin' a vacant hole with somethin' missin' from it. Savvy, Tusker?

*Slams down his silver stiletto on the table with the tip pointing directly at Magnar's stomach*
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