Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: The Blue's Arrival (June 24th 2:20pm)
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*The Skien Gate sparks to life. After a moment, A Blue Draconian in blue robes and a red-headed wild elf exit the gate. They carry a pack each.*

*The Draconian looks around* Ralinwood. Home of the Aqua. *looks to the Wild Elf* Shall we find the locals?
*Prawl looks to him with wide eyes, before turning around to throw up from the action of the skien gate.*
"And some tea?"
Yes, Some tea.
*nods with a sad smile, as she wipes her mouth*
"Are you sure, it will be safer here?"
Alagossian eyes the pair carefully, "A draconian. Fantastic." The High elf sighing in exasperation as he goes back to his book.
*Watches the high elf in fear, as she pulls gently, on Azura arm.*
"Lets go find the Tavern, get some tea."
"Now there is a rare occurrence, got to take note of this" *starts to write in his book*
-Wizwik looks at the Draconian with slight awe- "...Very interesting...Never seen a Draconian in the flesh before..."
*looks around to everyone* Yes, love. To the tavern. *takes Prawl's hand and walks his way towards town proper*
"What brings ye both to Ralinwood?...you both from Jerico?"
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