Kyrem is standing in the small clearing to the left of Drakkon's cabin. In his hand is his iron longsword, which he appears to have modified to give it a basket hilt. He gives the weapon a few swings, trying to mimic the swings he normally practices with his bastard sword, minus his left arm being involved.
*Sven saunters by, longsword in hand and gestures to the elf to get into a guard position. He takes a duelists stance and waits for his responce*
Kyrem hesitantly raises his sword, hilt raised higher than the blade. He sinks into a low stance, almost bouncing on the balls of his feet. He nods when he is ready.
*Sven throws a quick thrust cut towards his left shoulder, moving in a semicircular motion as he does it*
Kyrem brings the blade of the sword up, but slightly too slow. He deflects the brunt of the blow, but the blade still follows through and bites at his shoulder, leaving a small, superficial wound. He pushes the blade away with the knuckle-guard of his sword and swings with his own counter-cut.
*Sven takes a step back, drawing his own blade in close to stop the incoming blow with the flat of his blade, just barely catching it, upon connecting he will push Kyrems sword away from him self and return to a guard position, blade extended forward in his direction.*
Kyrem spins round to bring his sword up in front of him again, blade up with the tip pointing down. He hops quickly toward Sven and feints to his left before spinning the sword around and swiping at his right side.
*Sven watches the blade flash and tries to counter, but fumbles on the feint and catches most of the blade in his side, before violently punching it with his pommel in an attempt to get it out of his side. He lets out a few coughs before setting his stance once again*
"Doing alright? That one was a little hard." He asks, not letting his guard down.
*he grins and spits to the side*
"J'you voried about me? j'you are so sveet" *he jests*
*he lowers his sword and begins to laugh*