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Full Version: A New Arrival...In a sense [June 3rd - 10:23AM]
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*The Skein gate flashes before shooting out Swiggins, he stumbles a bit before standing tall.*

"Bloody hell...Ya think it'd be a bit more smooth of a trip but not a damn chance o' that.."

*Downing a swig of ale strapped to his side, he takes in his surroundings.*

"Well Ralinwood, guess ol' Swiggins be back to tread yer waters."
Primrose approaches the Skein Gate from the direction of the firepit, dragging the remains of a small, fallen tree behind her. She blinks, staring up at the human with a squint.

Her eyes open wide, and she grins as she holds up a free hand.

"Wait... wait wait wait! I know you're name don't tell me it! You're... Captain.... Captain.... Captain Swiggins!"
* From Muntir a yell can be heard* "We be over here Swooggins!"
*Swiggins takes a moment before the shock of the individual before him dies down and he gives a small salute.*

"That I be, I get we've met before but be pardoning me scrambled thinker. What be yer name again?"
*Swiggins takes a look over to the other sound he hears before yelling out.*

"Damn it be a bloody sea of faces, that you Vali?!"
Prim laughs and extends her free hand.

"Yep! That's Vali! I'm Primrose! Doctor Primrose Burrows."

She pauses, frowning and retracting her hand. She lowers her voice.

"Actually, you... you just came in from Jericho, right?"
*Swiggins looks to Prim before quirking a brow and speaking in a light tone.*

"Afraid I had to be heading through there to get to the Gate, so yeah I did up and come from that hell trap. Why ya be asking Doc?"
She nods with a forced smile, slowly placing down the fallen tree under her arm.

The hobling then starts to back up, before turning and bolting towards Muintir.
*Swiggins can't help but stare dumbfounded watching the individual head off.*

"Well that be new...What kind of shit have I up and got me self into thanks to Jericho...Sure ya visit a place a few times a year and now ye get roped into what ever bullshit goes on with 'em..."

*He takes his ale yet again drowning a bit of his anger before heading off towards where he heard Vali's voice.*
-Wizwik comes out from Emberside and notices the small crowd and spots Swiggins-

"SWIGGINS!!! Welcome back to Ralinwood ya crazy Captain" he walks over to him smiling