A high elven man walks down the gangplank of a ship, glancing at the docks and raising an eyebrow, "Seen better days." Alagossian shrugging and shouldering his relatively small pack and whistling as he adjust his jacket and brushes off the crossed swords on the fabric of his sleeves. "I hate sea air. Why did father choose this place."
*Can be seen sitting on a coil of rope fairly close smoking a cigar with an open bottle at his feet. He is armoured in a mix of studded leather, leather, and plate and armed with 2 silver dagger, 2 steel stilettos, and a steel cutlass*
Sea air smells alot better than Orcs and some of the other things round here, land lubber.
*Puffs on the cigar*
What brings your prissy self to Ralinwood?
Alagossian laughs and tips his head to Drakkon, a leather hat being lifted up. "An escape from Suvant. Told to see the world by the older generation. You know, the usual things you do to the eldest son when he is being a pain." He has two daggers on his belt, hair pulled back into a half pony tail that let the back of his neck remained covered, an assortment of chainmail and plate on his form.
"I presume you are not the welcoming party. But seem the kind of man to know where to find the best women."
Will take your word on what your family situation is.
*Snorts and chuckles when welcoming party is mentioned*
I am of a sort but not a pleasant one.
*Drinks from the bottle*
Town whore's name is Ash. Kinda cute Wood Fae though she has an interest for dead things. Another higher class Wood Fae around here is named Lilith. Wild Elf named Luna will likely try to bed you. She tries with most. No real brothel set up here yet.
Farmers' daughters are more to my likin'.
"Well now. I suppose I'll have to choose carefully." He smiles, "My name is Alagossian Nathios. A pleasure to meet you. I shall likely keep myself quite busy with the women folk. hopefully a high elven lass."
Aside from Aminata, who fled town before the Orcs started raidin', there ain't any females of your kind here. Used to be a Tel'Montain but she left too. Might be one whose a dragon follower though.
Name's Drakkon. Sure you'll hear talk of me when you start gabbin' to the others 'round here.
You'll want to see the nobles to get a writ of protection before you do anythin' else. Lots of bad people 'round here that'll take advantage of your lack of protection if it goes too long without you gettin' it.