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Full Version: OY! Whoze a ruddy Blacksmith 'round here!?
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*You see a male orc warrior with a spear and ringmail. One of his tusks is blackened, as though rotten from the inside*

OY! Rot-Toof's me name. Which one of your pinkskins can 'ammer studs inta leatherz? I'z got an 'ankering upgrade me armourz! Got a feelin' lots a stabbin' comin' down the pike. I'd like t'be ready.
*Sven looks up from his book and waves the ork over*

"J'you could try Bjorn from muintir, or perhaps Rolin..d...either of zem, or perhaps ve could be trading if j'you are vanting"
(05-02-2015, 08:09 PM)Sven Wrote: [ -> ]*Sven looks up from his book and waves the ork over*

"J'you could try Bjorn from muintir, or perhaps Rolin..d...either of zem, or perhaps ve could be trading if j'you are vanting"

Yeah alright... muintir's the camp the Chief is in yeah? He's 'ard. I seen him kill like 8 wolves last time I was in town. Ennewayz, I don't care who's got the skillz, cuz I've got the silver. I needz me arse, me crotch, and both me upper leg-flanks covered. Whots that gonna cost?  
*he stands and closes the book*

"J'you let me go look at vat i has da?"

*he turns on his heel and saunters of towards his camp*

"Vhell see you inna bit da?"

((Ill pm you later))