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Full Version: Shooting practice. ((April 24 2 pm.))
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*Luna stands with her bow held high as she looks down to her target in the field as she takes a shot with a sad smile.*
* Roland comes into view with his bow in hand and a new quiver flung upon his back. He smiles as he approaches Luna *
"Hail." *smiles brightly to him, as she watches him approach."
"Hail. Getting in some more practice?"
"Trying to, I feel like I haven't been working hard enough." *Shakes her head sadly* "I can not offer anything in this war out my bow, I should try my hardest to make sure I am good."
* Smiling * " A good bow arm is worth a lot in war, especially since we have so few archers here in town at the moment. It's always good to get more practice in though, especially since we'll have a lot of orcs to shoot at." * Readjusts his quiver * "Mind if I take a few shots to test this quiver out?"
"You got a new quiver?" *smiles to him, as she steps aside.* "show me what she can do?"
*Roland readies his bow, takes aim at the target and lets an arrow loose. It finds it mark near centre. He reaches for another arrow in the quiver as quickly as possible, struggling to find one at frist. After finding one he aims and fires as fast as possible, again finding his mark.*

" It's been awhile since I used a quiver. I'll still need to do some adjusting to find the right position for it I think."
*smiles softly to him, with a tease.* "You are spending to much time, at the forge."
* Smiling at Luna but looking a little frustrated * " You're right. I'm getting rusty standing at my anvil all day. I need to practice more."
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