Callum exists the portal of the skein gate, his armor battered and face bruised. He is holding an object wrapped in cloth, He takes a moment to take a breath then starts to walk towards Muintir.
*Sven walks by and waves to Callum when he sees him*
"good time j'ya?"
*offers a warm smile*
Grimnir walks from the direction of Muintir, a plume of black smoke rising from the camp as he whistles. "Someone can't cook! And it's me!"
*Sven looks back towards his camp and smacks his face with the palm of his hand*
"Not my fault they took my squire. I figure it'll burn itself out before long. I moved everyone's tents." Grimnir shrugs, "How was the trip, Callum?"
"J'you still need to replace the half of my tENT J'YOU BURNED!"
*Svens voice raising in slight annoyance*
"I have a spare for you. Somewhere. Gwen will know where we keep it."
*narrows his eyes and begins to laugh*
"Alright zen"
Callum looks at the pair with a look for bafflement and amazement, he then shakes his head "We have Fae problems, they have demon problems. Was an interesting trip." Callum then throws the cloth bundle to Grimnir "A gift, from their Jarl to ours. He requests our blades Baldr's day for a matter of our people."
Grimnir grabs the bundle, unwrapping it with an eyebrow raised, "So he sent a sword?" He eyes the glowing blade. "And what are we fighting? I will not turn down the invitation as that goes against custom."